《Some Friends》的歌词(歌手:Chris James)


Hey, can I have a slice of time
嘿 能否请时光再眷顾我一次
I know, you live your life and I live mine
我知道 如今我们都有了各种的生活
What happened to us getting drunk and staying up till ten past five
可我们也曾举杯痛饮 熬更守夜到凌晨五点过十分

Wow, look at us, now all grown up
Wow 看看如今的我们 都长大成人了
I know we’re going through some grown up stuff
我知道 我们经历了一些成年人要面对的难题
Do you own that VHS recorder or did the tapes get lost
你还留着那台VHS录像机吗 还是说连录像带都丢了

What a shame, we all now have our own apartments
实在可惜 如今我们都有了自己的公寓
And what a shame, that some of us now live abroad
真是遗憾 我们之中有些人 如今已移居国外
Oh what a shame, I didn’t realize what I had until it left
噢 叫人唏嘘的是 失去过后 我才意识到曾经有多美好
I guess some friends will never come back
我想 有些朋友不会再回来
I guess some friends will stay in my past
我想 有些朋友将留在我的回忆

Hey, distances they creep right in
嘿 距离悄悄逼近
The game of time is something no one wins
名为时间的游戏 没人是胜者
I’ve always wondered what would happen, now I’m almost four feet in
我一直好奇 未来会发生什么 如今我已无法回首

What a shame I missed the ten year anniversary
实在可惜 我错过了十周年纪念
And what a shame, that some of us can’t find the one
真是遗憾 我们之中有些人 寻不到命定的另一半
Oh what a shame, I didn’t realize what I had until it left
噢 叫人唏嘘的是 失去过后 我才意识到曾经有多美好
I guess some friends will never come back
我想 有些朋友不会再回来
I guess some friends will stay in my past
我想 有些朋友将留在我的回忆